
Difference Between Petrol Engine Vs Diesel Engine?

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gasoline engine and diesel engine are the two  most common internal  combustion engine even though the operation seem similar but there have   some interesting  differences each having advantages over other
first engine have basic force stroke


there are difference between the two engines two to  the difference  way the fuels burns
gasoline  readily easily evaporates so it’s gets mixed with  air officially ( low flash point -43°C) highly volatile  as a result just a spark is often to  produce  smooth combustion in a  well premixed gasoline engine  on the other hand these are not properly mixed with air highly flash point 52°C less volatile (diesel) however if diesel is sprayed  into high temperature air spontaneous combustion is occur this shows that the gasoline engine have should  fuel air mixed
while in diesel engine mixing happens during only  combustion
this is why diesel engine using fuel injector
while gasoline engine using a spark plug
you might  have noticed that gasoline engine are might less noisy and less vibrate compared to diesel engine this is because combustion process in a premixed mixture is smooth and propagate wells
but in a diesel engine the  combustion could begin anywhere in the combustion chamber
and turn out  to be a uncontrollable process for this reason due to reduce the excessive vibration and noise problems diesel engines requires  a more rug instructional design  than gasoline engine this is why gasoline engine is more preferable for life weight application 
diesel engine is only compressing only the air can be achieved a good  compression ratio
C.R = V clearance /V total (C.R = 18-24) but in a premixed gasoline engine such a high compression ratio(C.R = 8-10) is not possible the higher the compression ratio better is the  efficiency of cycle
interesting question many people wonder is
Diesel in gasoline engine ?

diesel in gasoline engine will not even cost fire the reason is simple less volatile and not well mixed properly with air and sparking will not initiate combustion
on the other end put
gasoline in diesel engine ?

you are spraying highly volatile fuel in a  chamber of highly compressed hot air this will lead designation rather than smooth combustion eventually the engine components will be damage that’s a big no for gasoline in diesel engine.

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