
Five things you should never do to your automatic transmission car:

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A combination of good driving practices and routine maintenance are needed to maintain an automatic gearbox vehicle. Even while contemporary cars are built to last, there are several behaviors that over time can cause serious issues. Let’s get started if you want it to endure and want to be sure you know what to avoid:

1.Do not leave the car idling in drive for extended Period:

 Do not leave the car idling in drive for extended periods idling in the drive for extended periods can lead to transmission overheating when the engine runs and the transmission is in drive the torque converter is engaged which  causes the transmission fluid to heat up over time this continuous heating can degrade the fluid and accelerate wear on transmission components that’s why it’s recommended to shift the transmission into park or turn off the engine if idling for a prolonged period

2. Deep water :

 Driving an automatic car through deep water can be harmful because water can enter the transmission through its vents automatic transmissions rely on fluid to operate and if water contaminates this fluid it can cause serious damage water inside the transmission can lead to rust corrosion or seizing of components which may require costly repairs or replacement

3.Neglection of regular transmission Fluid :

Do not neglect regular transmission fluid change despite claims by some manufacturers that automatic transmission fluid ATF lasts for the lifetime of the vehicle neglecting regular fluid changes can lead to various issues over time ATF can break down due to heat and contaminants losing its ability to lubricate and protect transmission components effectively regular fluid changes typically recommended every 60 to 80,000 Mi help maintain optimal transmission performance and Longevity by ensuring that the fluid remains clean and effective

4.  Do not accidentally shift from drive to reverse:

  While moving accidentally shifting from drive to reverse while the vehicle is moving can cause immediate and severe damage to the transmission since automatic transmission is not designed to handle sudden changes in direction under load doing so can overstress or even break internal components this mistake is especially risky in vehicles where the gear shifter is located close to other controls increasing the like  hood of accidental shifts

5.Do not Regularly Perform  Burnout :

Do not regularly perform burnouts performing burnouts where the tires spin rapidly while the car remains stationary or accelerates aggressively can severely strain the automatic transmission burnouts generate excessive heat and stress on the transmission’s components including the clutches and torque converter this stress can lead to premature wear and potential damage which can reduce the  lifespan of the transmission there.

By avoiding these common mistakes ,can help to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your automatic transmission car.

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