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**Title: Essential Car Maintenance Tips Every Driver Should Know**

In today’s fast-paced world, owning a car is more of a necessity than a luxury. However, with car ownership comes the responsibility of maintenance to ensure longevity and safety on the road. Here are some essential car maintenance tips that every driver should know:

**1. Regular Oil Changes:**
   Regular oil changes are crucial to keep your engine running smoothly. Oil lubricates the engine parts and prevents wear and tear. Follow your manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the frequency of oil changes, typically every 5,000 to 7,500 miles or every 6 months.

**2. Check Tyre Pressure and Tread Depth:**
   Properly inflated tires not only improve fuel efficiency but also enhance handling and safety. Use a tire pressure gauge to check the pressure monthly and adjust as needed. Additionally, inspect the tread depth regularly to ensure adequate traction, especially in wet or snowy conditions.

**3. Brake Inspection:**
   Brakes are a vital safety component of your car. Regularly inspect the brake pads and discs for wear and tear. Squealing noises or vibrations when braking may indicate that it’s time for a replacement. Promptly address any brake issues to prevent more costly repairs or accidents.

**4. Replace Air Filters:**
   Air filters prevent dirt and debris from entering your engine and cabin. Over time, they can become clogged, reducing engine performance and air quality inside the car. Check your owner’s manual for the recommended replacement interval and replace as necessary.

**5. Battery Maintenance:**
   A car battery typically lasts about 3 to 5 years. Ensure the battery terminals are clean and free of corrosion. Test the battery’s charge level periodically, especially before long trips or during extreme weather conditions.

**6. Check Fluid Levels:**
   In addition to oil, your car relies on other fluids such as coolant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Regularly check these fluids and top them up as needed. Low fluid levels can lead to mechanical issues or compromised safety.

**7. Inspect Lights and Wipers:**
   Proper visibility is crucial for safe driving. Regularly check all exterior lights, including headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and fog lights. Replace any bulbs that are burnt out. Additionally, inspect and replace windshield wipers as needed to ensure clear visibility during rain or snow.

**8. Address Minor Issues Promptly:**
   Small problems like strange noises, warning lights on the dashboard, or minor leaks should not be ignored. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent them from developing into more significant and costly repairs down the road.

   Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your car in top condition and ensuring your safety on the road. By following these essential tips and staying proactive with your car’s upkeep, you can enjoy a smoother driving experience and extend the lifespan of your vehicle.

Whether you’re a new driver or a seasoned one, taking care of your car with regular maintenance not only enhances its performance but also ensures your peace of mind while driving

Types of transmission

Types of transmission and it’s types ::::
Introduction ::
It’s important component of a vehicle it moves the power from the engine to the wheels there are a variety of car transmission some are automatic some are manual transmission as stick shift cars in which the driver required to complete extra steps to operate the vehicles effectively if you have wondered how does a transmission work the process varies depending on the type of transmission but what does a transmission do
What is transmission?
Transmission in a vehicle enables the gear ratio between the drive wheel and engine to adjust the car speed from slowing down and speeding up when a vehicle is stopped the transmission disconnected the engine from the drive wheels so that engine can keep idling when the wheel are not in motion transmission also enables quick acceleration from a stop and enables the engine to run slowly to cut down on wear
Types of transmission ::::
1 Manual transmission
It’s have a clutch pedal and shifter which the driver uses to change the gear manually these type of transmission consist of set of gears along a pair of shafts called the input and output shaft with a manual transmission the driver has to select the proper gear and engage or disengaged the clutch pedal the transmission uses a flywheel pressure plate the clutch to disengaged the engine from transmission the flywheel and pressure plates are connected to the engine the clutch is sandwich between them and is splined to the transmission input shaft the term push in the clutch means to release the pressure plate which disengaged the clutch push in the clutch first
Pros of manual transmission ::::
1 better for off road
2 High torque load usage
3 reliable and easier to service maintain and repair
4 not every one can drive cons of manual transmission
5 maintain and repair
6 lower resale
7 higher learning curve
2 intelligent manual transmission :::
It’s simply and quite accurately put the imt is a clutch less manual transmission it’s just a regular manual gearbox but without a clutch pedal in situation like coming down a slope this is off course without the headache of operating the clutch pedal you don’t need to lift off the accelerator when shifting gears it will help smooth in things if you do and imt cannot shift gear automatically
Advantages of imt :
1 Complete control over what gear your car is in and you don’t have to rely on the software getting it right
2 cost of an imt is also closer to that of a regular manual transmission
Drawbacks of imt :
The gear shift are not as smooth as the system relies on a single clutch that has to be modulated by an actuator
3 automated transmission amt ::
It is mechanically similar to manual transmission except that the sensor and actuators perform the clutch work and shift gear a car with amt doesn’t have a clutch pedal there is only accelerator and brake pedal. Amt uses hydraulics and computer linked with electronics control unit or ecu of the car the gear shift patterns are reprogrammed on this unit and work mainly on the present rpm range once the system guages optimum rpm the ecu engages the actuators which operates the clutch and gearbox
Benefits of amt over manual transmission ::
1 it’s convenience
2 more fuel efficient
3 rely on present rpm level
4 gear automatically change
Working of automatic transmission ::
In this engine connect to torque converter which is then connected to gear system and then to the transmission a torque converter is a vital component of an automatic transmission inside the torque converter there are parts that work in tandem with each other the outermost side has the flywheel which is connected to the engine it rotates the entire structure the rotation makes the pump push our fluid at high speed the fluid makes the turbine rotates the fluid keeps on rotating separated in two section and is kept rotating with the help of stator in the middle the turbine is connected to the shaft which connects to the rest of the system and energy transfers to the gear system

3.Planetary gear system :::::
A star is followed around by the planets and rotates it at respective speeds the gear system is called planetary gear system it consist if gear in the middle called sun – gear and 3 gear around it called planetary gears which are covered by a ring gear the planetary gears are smaller than the sun – gear the speed at which sun gear rotates will be slower than the planetary gear making the ring gear rotates faster than the sun – gear these parts in combination makes an automatic transmission the 1st automatic transmission used in production of cars was the hydromatic old mobile in the 1940s
Pros of automatic transmission :::
1 easy to use
2 comfortable driving
3 expensive to maintain and repair 

They  are pulley based transmission that are primarily used in small vehicles with small engines the transmission have been used for years in snow machines and are also become more popular in hybrid vehicles recently the CVTs offers a similar driving experience to an automatic transmission but operates using a completely different mechanism in fact it does not have gears at all instead it uses a system to belts and pulley to produce an infinite range of ratios the computer fitted in these cars decides how to adjust the pulley to creat the optimal ratio for the particular driving situations. This system is consist of cones at each pulley connected by a chain belt the cones can move to increase and decrease the belt diameter to change gear ratios one pulley is connected to engine and other directs power to the wheel the width of these pulley changes based on the needed power as one gets larger as other gets smaller this allows a CVTs to deliver strong and seamless acceleration this allow a cut to deliver strong and seamless acceleration
Pros of CVTs :
1 smoothest ride
2 greatest fuel efficiency
3 faster response
Cons of CVTs ::
1 unusable in off-road conditions
2 no ability of engine breaking
Semi automatic transmission :::
It is a clutch less manual transmission that provides an alternatives to its automatic or manual counterparts this transmission is practically identical to a manual one in a typically manual vehicle the driver steps down on the clutch pedal when they want to change gears the clutch pedal is connected to the transmission through cables and pipes in a semi automatic there is no clutch pedal instead there is computer that uses processors and sensors to automatically depress the clutch when the driver signals by shifting the gear stick the vehicles computer manages engine torque, speed. accelerator pedal position and other function driving a semi automatic car would feel very similar to a manual drive except although semi automatic do have things in common with other typical transmission and they are also very different with their own sets of benefits and drawbacks
6.Pros of Semi automatic transmission ::
1 smooth shifting
2 less in efficiency in shifting
Cons of semi automatic transmission :::
1 expensive to maintain and repairs
7 .Dual clutch transmission :::
There are separate clutches for both odd and even gears which allows for incredibly fast shift these gearboxes can generally operated in a fully automatic mode with paddles on the steering wheel
Working of dual clutch transmission :::
It offer cutting edge performance with lightning fast gear change that a pure manual just cannot match these gear box are found in race car and high sports cars they are quite expensive this disadvantage is magnified by their extreme complexity which lead to more frequent and costly repairs 

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Choosing the Right Motor Oil: A Guide for Car Owners

Selecting the correct motor oil for your vehicle is crucial for maintaining engine performance and longevity. With numerous options available, understanding

1. Viscosity Rating (SAE Grade): Motor oils are classified by viscosity, which determines the oil’s thickness and ability to flow at different temperatures. The viscosity grade is indicated by n

30 or 10W-40 The first number (5W or 10W) represents the oil’s flow at cold temperatures, while the second number (30 or 40) indicates viscosity at high temperatures

    2. Type of Motor Oil:

    Conventional Motor Oil: Basic oil refined from crude oil. Suitable for older vehicles with simple engine designs.

    Synthetic Motor Oil: Engineered for high performance and better protection in extreme conditions (hot or cold temperatures, heavy loads)

    Performance engines, and those requiring improved fuel efficiency.

    Synthetic Blend: A mix of conventional and synthetic oils, offering some benefits of synthetic at a lower cost. Suitable for engines that experience mode

    3. Certifications and Standards:

    Look for motor oils that meet or exceed the standards set by organizations like the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Society of Automotive Engine

    4. Consider Your Driving Conditions:

    • Climate: Choose oil viscosity based on your local climate. For cold climates, opt for oils with lower viscosity (e.g., 5W-
      30); for hot climates, consider higher viscosity oils (e.g., 10W-40).
    • Driving Habits: If you frequently tow heavy loads or drive in stop-and-
      go traffic, consider synthetic oils that offer better protection under these conditions.

    5. Follow Manufacturer Recommendations:

    Always refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommended motor oil specifications. Using the wrong oil viscosity or type can affected

    6. Change Interval:

    Follow the recommended oil change interval specified in your owner Follow the recommended oil change interval specified in your owner’s manual. Using quality motor oil can sometimes extend the interval between oil changes, but always prioritize engine health and performance over saving money on oil change

    1. Brand Reputation and Quality

    Choose reputable brands known for producing high-quality motor oils. Brands with a strong reputation often invest in research and development to create oils that meet or exceed industry standards.

    Fuel Efficiency Tips: Maximizing Your Car’s Mileage

    Improving fuel efficiency not only saves money but also reduces your carbon footprint. Whether you drive a compact car or an SUV, adopting these fuel-saving practices can make a significant difference:

    1. Maintain Your Vehicle:
       Regular maintenance, including tune-ups, oil changes, and air filter replacements, ensures your engine runs efficiently. A well-maintained vehicle can improve fuel efficiency by up to 4%.

    2. Check Tire Pressure:
       Properly inflated tires reduce rolling resistance, improving fuel efficiency by up to 3%. Check tire pressure monthly and before long trips, using the recommended pressure specified in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.

    3. Drive Smoothly:
       Aggressive driving—rapid acceleration, braking, and speeding—can lower fuel efficiency by up to 33% on the highway and 5% in city driving. Drive steadily and anticipate traffic flow to reduce unnecessary acceleration and braking.

    4. Reduce Idle Time:
       Idling wastes fuel. If you anticipate being stopped for more than 60 seconds (except in traffic), turn off your engine. Restarting use less fuel than idling for an extended period.

    5. Use Cruise Control:
       Maintaining a constant speed on the highway with cruise control can improve fuel efficiency by reducing fluctuations in speed that lead to increased fuel consumption.

    6. Lighten Your Load:
       Remove unnecessary items from your vehicle, especially heavy ones that can reduce fuel efficiency. Every 100 pounds of extra weight can decrease MPG by up to 2%.

    7. Avoid Excessive Use of Air Conditioning:
       Air conditioning can increase fuel consumption by up to 20%. Use it judiciously and consider using the car’s ventilation system when possible.

    8. Plan Efficient Routes:
       Combine errands into one trip to minimize driving distance and avoid traffic congestion whenever possible. Use GPS apps to find the most efficient routes that minimize stops and idling.

    9. Use the Right Fuel:
       Use the octane rating recommended for your vehicle by the manufacturer. Higher octane fuel is typically unnecessary and does not improve fuel efficiency or performance in most vehicles.

    10. Drive at Moderate Speeds:
       Driving at speeds over 50 mph significantly reduces fuel efficiency due to increased aerodynamic drag. Optimize your speed on highways to achieve the best balance between time and fuel consumption.

    How to calculate Mileage of Car :

    First fill up the fuel tank to its maximum capacity reset the trip meter reading to zero by pressing and holding the selector knob run your car till the reading to zero by pressing and holding the selector knob run your car till the fuel gauge reading shows one fourth fuel remaining in the tank fill the tank full once again watch carefully it has taken 26 l of petrol to fill up the fuel tank of your car it is written for 400 of petrol and 50km before the tank is filled up once again to get the mileage per ;liter simply by divide 400 and 50km by 26liter

    Calculated Mileage

    Fuel Average = Distanced Traveled /Fuel consumed

    fuel filled = 26 Liters

    Distance driven = 450 km

    Mileage = 450/26 = 17.30Km /Liters

    By incorporating these fuel efficiency tips into your driving habits, you can reduce fuel costs, minimize environmental impact, and prolong the life of your vehicle. Small changes in driving behavior and vehicle maintenance can add up to significant savings over time while contributing to a greener planet. Implementing these strategies not only saves money but also promotes responsible driving habits that benefit both your wallet and the environment. 

    Electric vehicles also known as evs do not require ic engines to operate it is powered by an electric motor instead of a gas powered engine the electric motor gets energy from a controller which regulates the amount of power based on the drivers use of an accelerator pedal the electric car uses energy stored in its rechargeable batteries which are recharged by common household electricity
    Evs moves along our road ways without burning up fuel or producing harmful exhaust emissions while generating less noise pollution
    How electric vehicles work?
    Evs vehicles are like an automatic car they have a forward in reverse mode when you place the vehicle in gear and press on the accelerator pedal these things happen power is converted from the dc battery to ac for the electric motor the accelerator pedal sends a signal to the controller which adjusts the vehicle speed by changing the frequency of the ac power from the inverter to the motor the motor connects and turn the wheels through a cog when the brakes are pressed or the car it develearting the motor becomes an alternator and produces power which is sent back to the battery. Understanding how an electric vehicle works first familiar with physical elements of electric motor and it’s starts with understanding the principles of it’s two major parts
    1 Motor
    2 rotor and stator
    An electric car motor works using a physical process this consist if using a current to creat a magnetic field at the fixed part of the machine called as the stator whose displacement sets a rotating part called as rotor the difference be rotor rotates
    Difference between an engine and a motor ::::
    A motor refers to a machine that converts energy into mechanical energy
    An an engine does the same thing but specifically using thermal energy when talking about converting chemical energy into mechanical energy it means combustion not electric in other words an engine is a type of motor but motor is necessarily an engine with electric vehicles because the mechanical energy is created from electricity
    Ev parts and function ::::
    If we have never driven an electric car it’s still relatively simple to wrap your head around it’s main parts e. g instead of a gas tank they have batteries instead of engine they have electric motors instead of tail pipes they got no tail pipes simple right
    Parts name :
    1 traction battery pack power inverter (an electrical energy storage system in the form of direct current electricity if it get a signal from the controller the battery will transmit Dc electrical energy to the inverter and then used to drive the motor the type of battery used is a rechargeable battery arranged
    2 electric traction motor( the electric traction motor will work turning the transmission and wheels using power from the traction battery pack some vehicles use motor generators that perform both the drive and regeneration function electric car used brushless Dc motor
    3 power electronics controller
    4 power inverter ( it’s function is to change direct current on the battery into an alternating current this Ac current is used by electric motor the inverter in an electric car has a function to change the ac current when regenerative breaking to Dc current and then used to recharge the battery
    5 power electronic controller
    A controller unit is an inverter and converter combination that recharges the battery pack of an electric vehicle during regenerative braking which develop kinetic energy the flow of energy from the battery is controlled using controller unit in tandem with the converter and inverter combination the Dc motor controller system is still used in electric vehicle to keep cost down
    6 charge port
    The charge port allows the vehicle to connect to an external power supply in order to change the traction battery pack
    7 Dc converter
    This device convert higher voltage Dc power from the traction battery pack to the lower voltage auxiliary battery
    8 charger
    Charger is a battery changing device charger get electrically from outside of electric car chargers on board charger this charger is located and installed in car
    9 transmission
    It transfer mechanical power from the electric traction motor to drive the wheels
    Thermal management in electric cars :::
    This system maintains a proper operating temperature
    4 Types of electric vehicles :::::
    1 BEV battery electric vehicles
    2 HEV hybrid electric vehicles
    3 PHEV plug in hybrid electric vehicles
    4 FCEV fuel cell electric vehicle
    BEV ::::
    All electric vehicles ran entirely on battery
    and electric drivetrain electricity is stored in a large battery pack that is charged by plugging into the electricity grid the battery pack in turn provides power to one or more electric motors to run the electric car e. g
    Volkswagen e-golf
    BMW i3
    Nissan leaf and more
    They are called standard hybrid or parallel hybrid vehicles these types of cars has both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor in this the combustion engine gets energy from the fuel gasoline
    The gasoline engine and electric motor together drive the transmission which drives the wheels in hybrid battery can be charged but the ic engine the speed of the wheels or a combination of both there is no charging port so the battery cannot be recharged from outside of the system e.g
    Honda civic hybrid
    Toyata camry hybrid
    In this both plug in hybrid electric vehicle it is type of hybrid vehicle with both an ic engine and a motor these type of electric cars provide a fuel option these car are powered by a conventional rechargeable battery pack the battery can be charged electrically hybrid vehicles run typically in altlest two modes hybrid mode in which both electricity and gasoline are employed some plugs in vehicle can travel more than 70 miles on electricity alone e. g
    Porsche cayenne se hybrid
    Audi a3 e tron
    Ford c max energy
    Mercedes c350e
    It is known as zero emission vehicle are type of electric cars that employ fuel cell technology to generate the electricity in this chemical energy directly convert into electric energy e.g
    Toyata mirai
    Honda clarity fuel cell
    You can charge an electric vehicle by plugging into public charging station into a home charger when deal for home charging it’s important to get the right your bill
    EV s range :::
    How far travel on a full charge depend on the vehicle each model has a different range battery size and efficiency the perfect electric car will be the one you can use for your normal journeys without having to stop and charge up halfway through
    How far you travel on full charge?
    An electric vehicle range is dependent on the battery size the higher the EV battery more power the further you travel e.g
    Volkswagen e – golf ranges upto 125miles.
    Hyundai kina electric ranges up to 250miles, battery 64kWh
    Juguar i pace ranges up to 292miles
    Battery capacity and kwh :::::
    Kilowatt the unit of power how much energy needed a device to work Kilowatt hours is unit of energy it shows how much energy has been used e.g a 100bwatts light bulb uses 0.1 Kilowatts each hour an average home consumes 100 Kilowatt hours of energy per year an average home consumes 100 kw hours of energy per year while electric car uses 2000kWh energy /year
    How long does it take to charge an EV?
    There are three electric vehicle charging speeds
    Slow charging it typically rated upto 3kw often used to charge overnight aor at workplace charging time it takes up to 8-10 hours
    Fast charging it typically rated at either 7kw or 22 kw
    Tend to be installed in car parks supermarkets leisure centers and houses with off street parking charging time it takes up to 3-4 hours and rapid charging it typically rated from 43 kw only compitable with evs minutes 30  to 60minutes
    Advantages of EV
    1 Easier on the environment
    2 Zero emissions
    3 Healthier planet
    4 Electricity is cheaper than gasoline
    5 Installation of solar panels in homes 6 both your residance and electric car
    6 Electric car donot  run out oil therefore they don’t requires any oil change
    Electric cars are known to operates smoothly and quietly as there is no gas engine reducing noise pollution and making ride more comfortable
    7 Electric car respond much faster greater torque and agility while driving
    8 Recharging an electric vehicle is easy
    Even house hold sockets can be used to charge an electric car
    Disadvantage of EV::
    1 Finding a charge station even though charging an electric vehicle at home finding a charging
    2 Driving countryside or long distance road trips this will continue as demands for charging stations increases it takes no more than 5mintues to add gas to the fuel tank while recharging electric car may take times 15 to 20 hours to get a full charge on the battery pack using take 30 mint to get to about 80 percent capacity
    3 Driving range is limited this can be problematic if you are planning on travelling long distances
    4 Fine for daily commutes
    5 The upfront price of most electric car is higher than the gas powered vehicles even more affordable car model start from 30000$ to 40000$ while luxury model creep up to 80000$

    Hydraulic power steering was the standard for decades this system includes a pump, a cylinder, and valves that control the flow of hydraulic fluid. The pump is powered by a belt that runs from the engine and is responsible for supplying pressure. The speed  of the pump is proportional to the motor speed. Particularly when driving at high speeds, control of valves are used to return pressurized fluid to the reservoir and avoid an imbalance. Maintain the ideal level of responsiveness with this configuration its common knowledge that the hydraulic steering system works. The benefits have become more apparent as time as gone on. Years of advancements in engineering have made fine tuning possible.
    Hydraulic system pros:
    ®Huge manfactures experience
    ®Road connecy through the steering wheel
    ®Better handling by the driver

    Increased steering feel enables the driver to handle more skillfully. With this system, the road effectively speaks the driver, enabling intuitive decision-making that result in safer driving environment. In fact because hydraulic steering responds so well especially at higher speeds many high end sports cars and race cars still use it.
    Flaws in hydraulic power steering system :
    Hydraulic system cons
    1 you need powers steering fluid
    2 maintainance occurs every 5 years
    3 frequent fluid leaks
    4 impact fuel economy
    5 a more complex system and more moving parts
    6 need for more engine space

    Hydraulic power steering path ::
    It is prone to many more potential problems its possible that drivers don’t always appreciate the cost of repairs and maintenance from power steering fluid leaks to pump issues
    What is electric power steering?
    The electric power steering, lived in 1876
    This was invented long before the first electric power steering, lived in 1876.this was invented long before the first automobile was manufactured but it wasn’t until the 1970s that it was widely used.

    Electric motor:
    An electric motor is used in the steering system in place of a hydraulic fluid pump
    (ECU) Electric count unit:::
    The electronic count unit (ECU) and sensors exchange data so that the steering settings can be altered in response to various critical factors, including vehicles speed.
    There was a lot of bugs to iron out when it was first used, but as engineering advances, system seem to get better this system is present in more contemporary cars for a few clearer reason there are few of the benefits :
    Electric system pros:
    1 less complicated design
    2 simpler yo keep up
    3 no need for power steering fluid
    4 fluid efficiency
    5 connects to driver asset features like automated parking and lane keeping assisstance
    6 complicated for driving conditions

    It is possible to release software updates to improved the system accuracy self driving cars of the future will use this kind of steering despite their greater popularity there are few drawbacks to take into account among them are following :
    Electric system cost
    1No road feedback or steering feel
    2 High repair cost
    Manufactures are attempting to improves the electric power steering system feel. The system ought to be able to provide feedback in the coming years making the experience more pleasurable
    Key differences:
    Maintenance and repair needs
    Power steering fluid is required by the hydraulic system the recommended maintenance schedule calls for changing this fluid. A power steering fluid change may run you between 25 and $ 125 an average. You can  save money on labor if we know how to make the change on your own even though its not a significant expense some drivers would be content to forego it fluid is not used in majority of electrical power steering system today as a result there is significantly less up keep to consider beyond upkeep repairs are an additional factor to take into account. Hydraulic system are prone to more issues, such as leek are belt problems however, a lot of the issues are easy to resolve. Repairs for electrical power steering system malfunction can be costly the system contain a number of intricated sensors, all of which can be expensive to replace compared to their electric counterparts hydraulic power steering system are more intricate with more moving parts, this kind is more prone to failures. The hydraulic system requires more space and weight these two element work together to lower the vehicle furl efficiency

    Handling :::
    A superior driving experience is offered by hydraulic power steering. The reason race car drivers favor this setup is because of feedback they receive from the road at different speeds, the electric power steering system provides a reliable experience. Manufactures keep refining the system over time to bring it closer to hydraulic steering

    Power source::
    The hydraulic steering system is powered by an engine driven belt the belt accelerates along with the engine this configuration tends to result in a marginally higher fuel consumption for the hydraulic system indeed but in a different way the engine is also used by electric power steering since power is only used when the wheel is turned your overall gas mileage is improved

    Conclusion :::
    You are not able to choose difference between different steering system while purchasing a new car most cars have electric power steering as standard equipment however a new car most new car have electric power steering as standard equipment however its still critical to comprehend the distinction particularly if you’re looking at older models of pre owned cars although the hydraulic system might feel better it requires more frequent maintenance and consumes more fuel instead of concentrating on fixing hydraulic fluids leaks technicians are now more concerned with fixing software bugs and electric motor failures. Its possible that power steering fluid will no longer be used in any cars. 

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